Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Scared and Exposed

I have opened up and let you in. with no cost to me
because you don't know who I am.
My souls done the writing,
now my head is trying to take over
and the protective robot inside
is fighting to come out.

You know my struggles, you know my fears.
Let's go deep in my roots
and back to the beginning of me.
I never got to know my dad.
I hate that I'm shy, and I worry too much.
I love getting lost in books, and sometimes my favorite day of the week is Tuesday.
I cry too much, but my mom says I'm just tender hearted.
I've been told I have long eye lashes.
I wish I could fly
I listen to sad music because sometimes I want to feel sad.
I doubt myself,
and I want to live forever.

So who am I you ask?
I'm just an ordinary human
trying to be extraordinary.

Sincerely Toni Hoover


  1. toni. i love this. "I doubt myself, and I want to live forever." ok me too. me too

  2. My souls done the writing,
    now my head is trying to take over

    YES. this post is on point. So good.

  3. Toni I love this!! It's beautiful, and so honest.

  4. Your blog was/is/will always be amazing. Thank you for writing. Your eyelashes are incredible.

  5. Yes, Toni. Some great lines. Thanks for being real and thanks for opening up even though it didn't cost you anything until now.
